Artificial Intelligence – The Cognizant Mobility Whitepaper on the Future Areas of IT
Artificial intelligence has long since moved on from its ambiguous science fiction cliché to reality and is used by millions of people in their everyday lives. The question of what A.I. can actually do is often misunderstood and interpreted differently. The data science specialists around Dr. Daniel Isemann of Cognizant Mobility present their point of view on this topic in a series of white papers.

Data Science Professional
Ca. 3 min
Artificial intelligence – technology field in steep growth
In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has gone from being a specialized academic topic to a rapidly growing branch of industry and a game changer in many fields of application.
According to one study, German GDP can increase by 11.3% by 2030 through AI alone (PWC, 2018). The goal of this white paper is to concisely characterize AI and related technology fields and to present corresponding approaches and solutions from the Cognizant Mobility portfolio, such as the ticket pre-analysis system HEIDI (see page 5 of the white paper). If you want to learn more about our work in the field of Data Science, you can find more exciting reading suggestions below this article, or just click here on this link!
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Artificial Intelligence – The Cognizant Mobility Whitepaper Series
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